Pledge Insuarance Services

Life Insurance

Life Insurance

Life Insurance

Life insurance is the one that lasts long after the moment has passed. The financial security it provides is difficult to put a price on, which is why it’s important to choose your provider wisely. Term life insurance or permanent life insurance- you can customize it to your needs, and make sure you are covered. Please contact us for a free quote for life insurance.


Believing that you or someone you love is about to die can be an extremely frightening and traumatic experience. A positive mindset and a good critical illness insurance plan can come together to protect your quality of life. That can help you and your loved ones by paying for the costs associated with an illness.


A sudden disability or accident is upsetting enough on its own, but when it results in a loss of income for the individual or their entire family, the full impact can be felt even more strongly. To protect against loss of income, Pledge offers both long-term and short-term disability insurance plans.


Company benefits packages like group healthcare and employee discount programs help your company attract the best possible talent while fostering a productive, healthy workplace. At Pledge, we can set up a group benefits package that has the right coverage levels to protect you, employees.


Life Insurance. The most precious and unselfish gift you can offer your loved ones It ensures those you love will have one less thing to worry about and not suffer financially in the event you pass away.  Pledge provides a host of life insurance plans, including term and permanent options. You can customize your plan to suit your specific needs.



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